Keeping your fleet cyber safe and secure Fleet management has undergone a radical transformation in recent years. No longer just about cost-effective route planning, modern fleet operations now integrate HR, finance, compliance, IoT and sustainability...
The realities of fleet risk management: busting the myths Fleet risk management is a complex and ever-evolving discipline, essential for protecting businesses, employees and the public. It’s a topic, however, that is often misunderstood, with myths and...
Driving-related health problems and how to avoid them Fleet managers have a duty of care towards their drivers which goes beyond providing a vehicle that is fit for purpose and making sure they take regular pit stops. While driving may evoke images of scenic...
How AI is revolutionising fleet management In an era where efficiency is paramount, fleet managers are constantly on the lookout for the next innovation that will drive their operations forward. Enter artificial intelligence (AI) – a technology that is poised...
Navigating the 10 riskiest roads around the world The global toll of road traffic accidents, with approximately 1.19 million lives lost annually, underscores the critical nature of road safety. Sources of risk, for even the most seasoned drivers, can be found...
The self-driving future: what’s driving the revolution? Once confined to the imaginative realms of science fiction novels and movies, driverless vehicles have transcended the bounds of imagination to become a reality, looking set to become a familiar sight on...
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